

Expert Services

Our Director Kevin Kucko has worked in rehabilitation since 1990.  His experience and innovations in rehabilitation have achieved national attention.  Kevin has been a key presenter at over 200 seminars in advanced clinical treatment in his field.  The development of several specialty programs have allowed his clients to recovery over 60% faster with fewer complications. Receiving his Masters Degree in Physical Therapy in 1995 and his Doctorate Degree in 2020 he is able to support his clients with the most current research available.   His 30+ years of experience in both Outpatient and In-patient Rehabilitation has helped his clients understand  the standard of care.

CEU continuing education Staff Development

Let our experience help your staff achieve the same quality driven care that patients and   insurance companies are now demanding. In-house Seminars are available directly with   K2-Sports Therapy or through Cross Country Education.  Our courses focus on      improving hands on skills with supporting research for every aspect of our seminars.    Chose from Manual Treatment of The Temporal Mandibular Joint , Advances in  treating peripheral Neuropathy ,  or Clinical Pearls 1 Manual Treatment of the  upper Quarter where attendees will learn over 20 manual skills in this 6-8 hour  course. Work related lifting injuries are the most costly to American industry at an  estimated 186 billion dollars annually.

Healthcare and Industry Injury Reduction

While most every industry has squeeze out the unnecessary expenses since 2008, work injuries continue to be a wild card on the balance sheet.  Our Functional Ergonomics  program is the only back injury prevention program supported by a 5 year study that resulted in reducing time lost to work injuries by over 70%. Too often work safety training is reviewed showing a man lifting a box in the middle of the floor.  Rarely are boxes stored in the middle of the floor.  In the healthcare industry the employees that incur the greatest  number of injuries do so transferring 200-300lb patients and not 30 lb. boxes.  Many industries are failing to properly train their staff.

Our Program

We applied our program in a healthcare setting with over 800 employees. For the duration of the 5 year study, not only did we reduce time lost by over 70%, but we reduced the expense by tens of thousands of dollars each quarter. Contact us to see how K2-Healthcare’s Functional Ergonomic program can help your company.