Orthopedic Rehabilitation

What We Do

Physical therapy uses hands-on techniques combined with exercise to restore mobility, motion and maximize function. From school-aged to seniors,our clients get the care they need to perform at their fullest potential. Following your thorough evaluation we are able to  identify areas to be improved and have the skills to restore function as quickly and safely as possible.

Avoiding Surgery-  While many injuries require surgery, most conditions are the result of many years following an improperly managed injury combined with poor mechanics.   Shoulder injuires are notorious for this type of progression primarily in males over 40. Having a therapist that is experienced in orthopedic rehabiltiation will not only help you heal properly but avoid surgery down the road.

Post-Surgery - Proper rehabilitation following a surgery can provide the best result allowing our patients to get the most out of liies require a protective phase to allow proper healing.  Experienced therapists know when the proper time is to concentrate on range of motion,  starting active movement and when to develop strength, power and coordination.

Neck and Back Pain - can be some of the most debilitation conditions causing time lost from work and family.  Our program emphasizes early active treatment for acute injuries. Combined with hands on techniques to restore segmental mobility we minimize muscle spasm, restore mobility and allow our patients to return to their normal routine over 70% faster than traditional management.  Our program is supported by a 5 year study that is requested by many case managers and employers that wanting the best care for their employees